Investigating the Aspects of Vocabulary Knowledge in English Textbooks: A Case Study


  • Revathi Srinivas The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad



vocabulary knowledge, aspects of vocabulary knowledge, textbooks, form, meaning, use


The mentality of vocabulary knowledge for effective communication has been recognized since 1980s. Knowing a word is process as distinct from product, and it involves learning a range of aspects such as form, meaning, and use (Nation, 2013). Though several researchers have identified the factors that enhance vocabulary acquisition, the number of repetitions required to learn a word, and so on, there is dearth of research on how aspects of vocabulary knowledge are addressed in English textbooks prescribed for study in government schools in India. This study aimed at investigating the aspects of vocabulary knowledge that five textbooks of English—classes VI to X—have paid attention to. Based on Nation’s (2013) framework as template, 142 exercises were analysed. Findings of the study indicated that there is an inconsistency, not to say a desultory approach, in how vocabulary is approached in different classes. Meaning received maximum attention in the textbooks while form and use received least attention leading a patchy, partial and unhelpful approach


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