Designing Human Interest Photography: The Role of Gunung Padang Site Keeper As Cultural Heritage Guard




human interest photography, keeper, cultural heritage guard


Punden terraces on the Gunung Padang Site, Cianjur, West Java is archaeological evidence about the existence of prehistoric humans. This Megalithic Age heritage building is a form of cultural reality that must be cared for and preserved. During this time, there have been many acts of vandalism against cultural heritage objects, so that a site guard is needed called a keeper. The role of the keeper includes establishing social interaction with tourists to socialize the importance of prehistoric sites as a national asset. This study aims to visualize the activity of keepers as a form of self-actualization through human interest photography. Quantitatively, the data shows that 62% of tourists consider that media information is still limited in the area of the site, so 92% of tourists consider the importance of a keeper. Qualitatively, the discussion of photography design uses a visual narrative theory that refers to elements of plot, viewpoint, character, event, time and place, and causal relations. The human interest photography presents a variety of self-actualization of keepers in interacting with nature and humans, as a choice, responsibility, intentional nature, search for meaning, value, and creativity, which are included in humanistic postulates. The study results can be a reference to the application of visual language in conveying messages about the values of social life keepers in carrying out their role as cultural heritage guard.

Author Biographies

  • Winny Gunarti Widya Wardani, Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
    Visual Communication Design, Faculty of Art and Language
  • Wulandari Wulandari, Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
    Visual Communication Design, Faculty of Art and Language
  • Syahid Syahid, Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
    Visual Communication Design, Faculty of Art and Language


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