A Systematic Literature Review of Technology Acceptance Model and Theory of Planned Behaviour towards Online Learning Perspective


  • Hui Li Gao School of Foreign Studies Northwestern Polytechnical University




Online Learning, E-learning, Technology Acceptance Model, Theory of Planned Behaviour.


In recent years, due to the rapid development of the Internet, it has changed the national, social, economic, and cultural levels, and has become more involved in everyone’s daily life. We absorb information and knowledge through the Internet. The speed of knowledge innovation in modern society is extremely fast, and online learning has become increasingly popular. It can effectively cross the limits of time and space and provide people with new learning channels. Online learning has become the most important issue nowadays. This study is expected to collate and discuss the relevant research on the application of Technology Acceptance Model and Theory of Planned Behavior to online learning in the academic contribution. In terms of practical meaning, the period can give the government, educational institutions and universities and other institutions the development and promotion of specific recommendations for online learning, so that foreign language learners can learn online and enhance the competitiveness of employment and school. This study provides future research on the adoption and introduction of domestic online learning through the trend comparison of international journals, and calls on domestic researchers to focus on the scientific, institutional and historical context factors to enrich our online learning in the educational environment. In the future research direction, this study suggests that online learning requires multi-level, inter-connected analysis at different levels of individuals, organizations, and industries in future research.

Author Biography

  • Hui Li Gao, School of Foreign Studies Northwestern Polytechnical University


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