How the Views of Rosemary Ruether and Josef Pieper Can Help Us to Restore Harmony and Accommodate Leisure Time in Our Busy Lives


  • Claudine Perreault, M.S., J.D., Ph.D. (ABD) University of Massachusetts-Lowell



Rosemary Ruether, Josef Pieper, harmony, leisure time.


Twentieth-first century society seems to be advancing and changing on a daily basis.  The expectation and needs of culture often clash with technology, the latter constantly improves.  Distractions from technology, demanding jobs and other pressures leave people with progressively less time to restore harmony in their lives and accommodate leisure time in today’s world.  The views of Rosemary Ruether and Josef Pieper explain how people can achieve a harmonious life and implement leisure in today’s society.


Author Biography

  • Claudine Perreault, M.S., J.D., Ph.D. (ABD), University of Massachusetts-Lowell

    Professor Perreault teaches courses in the English Department at the undergraduate level.  She has authored publications including articles in The Washington Times. Her research interests are in the areas of history, philosophy and literature.



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