Effectiveness of Critical Thinking Skills for English Literature Study with Reader Response Theory: Review of Literature


  • Farah Qamar Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan




Critical thinking, critical thinking skills, english literature, reader response theory, critical thinkers.


Since Socrates’ time, reasoning is considered valuable for the justification of speaker’s belief along with Thomas Aquinas’ testing of his thinking to answer his own thinking. Critical thinking has been part of discussion among the educators for its significance and application for last many decades. Many educators have conducted researches on the assessment of critical thinking within a domain or across the domain in order to test students’ critical thinking skills and its effect on their learning. Similarly, critical thinking is highly valuable for the study of literature as it explicitly asked for learners’ beliefs, perceptions, and judgments in order to remove the ambiguity of thought. Perfection of thought can be achieved with the use of critical thinking skills while training of mind needs interaction between literary text and the reader as literature has the capacity to achieve mental traits specified to critical thinking. Accordingly, this report presents a relationship between critical thinking skills and English literature study along with reader response theory techniques considering that without the use of critical thinking skills and reader response theory, study of literature is haphazard hence for the application of reader response theory, literary text is inevitable. In essence, I aim to highlight the effectiveness of critical thinking skills for the study of literature while emphasizing the significance of reader response theory which is also inevitable for the study of literature and for the use of critical thinking skills.

Author Biography

  • Farah Qamar, Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan

    Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

    Visiitng Lecturer in English


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