Formulation of the Meaning of Non-Physical Losses in the Renewal of Land Procurement Law For the Development for A Worthy and Fair Public Interest


  • Bahruddin Tampubolon Doctoral Candidate at Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University, Indonesia
  • Mochammad Bakri Lecturer at Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University, Indonesia
  • Rachmad Safa’at Lecturer at Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University, Indonesia
  • Iwan Permadi Lecturer at Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University, Indonesia



Land acquisition, landowner, non-physical compensation, calculation arrangements.


Many land cases and disputes are ensued and persisting through many public interest projects. The government of the Republic of Indonesia has issued such regulation since the decade of 1970 until the recent that is intentioned to just process in land acquisition. The two last Presidential Regulations (number 71 the year 2012 are issued negotiation process and consensus between landowner and committee of land acquisition (P2T) have not reflected justice. This article is being aimed to deliver more clarification concerning the compensation aspect of land acquisition for public interests in Indonesia. This research is normative juridical research, then the approach used is a concept approach, historical approach, case approach. Legal material analysis techniques using systematic interpretation, grammatical, teleological interpretation. The results showed that Inequality is appeared by limitation of consent given by landowner is only and then after that period P2T be deemed has authority to occupy the land and do such clearing without needs landowner permit. That authority is based on those regulations by deposit sums of money at district court as well known as "consignatie". Consignatie itself is a payment method solution under the Indonesian Civil Code for any contractual scheme which ought not applicable through unsuccessful negotiation between landowner and P2T clear different transactions to the Civil Code.


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