Model for Empowering Farmers at Dry Land through Quadruple Helix Approach


  • Etty Soesilowati Universitas Negeri Semarang



Dry land, Farmers Empowerment, Quadruple Helix.


There are many potentials in the sector of silvoagriculture, silvopastura and silvoagrofishery at Kandri and Cepoko district as “green belt” areas of Semarang. Unfortunately, these potentials do not give a significant impact on society yet. This is due to the lack of farmer’s institution system, limited human resource, and infrastructure. The Triple Helix approach involving academician, businessman, and government is found to be less optimal. The study aims to assess the effectiveness of the model used for empowering the farmers at dry land area through the Quadruple Helix approach as the development of Triple Helix one involving academician, businessman, civil society, and government. The locus of the research area is Kandri and Cepoko district at Gunungpati subdistrict in Semarang City of Central Java Province, Indonesia. This research employed qualitative and quantitative approaches. In the qualitative approach, the data are analyzed using an interactive model. While the quantitative approach, Human Development Index (HDI) analysis is employed. The results find that farmers' empowerment program is conducted through the Quadruple Helix approach by involving academicians, businessmen, local governments and civil society groups at the villages. Then, the HDI calculation results show that the index of human development in Kandri has decreased 0.09444. Before the program, it was amounted from 0.82367 to 0.72923. Whereas, the human development index of farmers in Cepoko before the program has increased from 0.83142 to 0.84085. Its increase reaches 0.09425. This indicates that the farmer group at Cepoko district is more resistant to national economic issues such as the weak exchange rate than the farmers in Kandri disctrict. Therefore, this study makes recommendation that farmers should organize integrated farming by establishing integrated economic region so that they can make use of existing resources efficiently and effectively.   


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