A Psycholinguistic Study of the Reflection of First Language Acquisition in Bilingualism: A Case Study


  • reem omar maghrabi King Abdulaziz university




Fossilization, segmental change, phonological processes, bilingualism, language acquisition, language transfer.



This study focuses on fossilization and its influence on language acquisition processes. It attempts to trace the phonological errors to decide what factors affect the occurrence of phonological fossilization. The study will trace the existence of phonological linguistic processes underlying segmental sound change such as segment addition, segment loss, segment movement, and segment substitution. The study is done on two types of speech; spontaneous and formal speech by a bilingual. Therefore, this will help to seek whether fossilization could be attributed to other factors rather than L1 acquisition processes. It has been found that L1 acquisition processes such as, overgeneralization, simplification and transfer play a considerable role in phonological fossilization in the aforementioned types of speech. It is found that fossilization occurs more frequently in formal speech than in spontaneous speech. The unconscious production of the second language speaker (i.e. the bilingual) is minimizing the phonological fossilized errors. Hence, there may be a correlation between the consciousness and the frequency of the fossilized phonological errors in the speech.

Author Biography

  • reem omar maghrabi, King Abdulaziz university
    department of European Languages


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