Implementation Issues in Multicultural Education: What Are Secondary Public School Educators Facing?


  • LaVonne Fedynich Texas A&M University-Kingsville
  • Kris Garza Texas A&M University-Kingsville



Multicultural education, secondary education, secondary teachers, multicultural education training.


This mixed method study sought to explore the issues that faced secondary teachers in a rural central Georgia public high school when attempting to implement a multicultural education program.  The key issues of this study centered on the teachers’ multicultural education training and the school’s multicultural education program. Data were gathered from a total of thirty randomly chosen teachers in the Social Studies, Math and English departments at the school. Twenty-five of the thirty teachers received a hard copy four question Likert scale survey to complete. The remaining 5 participants took part in face-to-face interviews discussing six open-ended questions.  The findings pointed to several issues facing the teachers such as the lack of an officially implemented multicultural education program, the lack of support from school administrators, no in-service training available for teachers, parental and student misapprehension, and a lack of an officially defined policy on implementation and support of a multicultural education program from administrators locally and district-wide.

Author Biographies

  • LaVonne Fedynich, Texas A&M University-Kingsville

    Educational Leadership and Counseling

    Associate Professor

    Program Coordinator of the Educational Administration Program

  • Kris Garza, Texas A&M University-Kingsville

    Educational Leadership and Counseling

    Assistant Professor



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