Investigating the Relationships between Effective Principal Leadership Practices and School Effectiveness As Perceived By Teachers


  • Andre Martin Education



The international literature is replete with a discourse on the link between principal leadership and school effectiveness. However, in the Caribbean where there is limited school effectiveness research, perceptions of key school factors can drive critical decision making or education policy regarding the influence of principals to improve schools. Interestingly, although the literature is sated with features of high performing schools, it is debatable as to the leadership practices that must be emphasized for principals to lead their schools to effectiveness. This research examined the relationship between effective principal leadership practices and school effectiveness as ascertained by teachers in primary and secondary public schools in Grenada. A quantitative correlation research design was used to survey the ratings of teachers on effective principal leadership practices and school effectiveness. The results confirmed the relationship between Effective Principal Leadership Practices and School Effectiveness. The results also indicated that at the primary school level, principal leadership practices with a focus on instruction best envisages school effectiveness whereas at the secondary level, the evidence suggests that the better practices relate to instructional focus and accountability focus.    


In the Caribbean where there is limited school effectiveness research, perceptions of critical factors can drive critical decision making or education policy.  The international literature is replete with a discourse on the link between principal leadership and school effectiveness. This research share light on the relationship between principal leadership practices and school effectiveness as experienced by/ public primary and secondary school teachers in a Grenadian context. Using a survey design, the study revealed that in a purposive sample of 726 teachers, Principal Leadership Practices and School Effectiveness shared a moderate direct relationship. Multiple Regression Analysis revealed that at the primary school level, principal leadership practices with a focus on instruction best predicts school effectiveness whereas at the secondary level, the evidence suggests that the better practices relate to instructional focus and accountability focus. This study builds on the limited foundation of school effectiveness research in the Caribbean. There are implications for school development plans and for the advancement of principal leadership as in preparatory programmes, training, or professional development.


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