Innovations of Theobald Boehm to the Flute Construction


  • Burcin Barut dikicigiller Anadolu University, School of Music and Drama, Department of Music.



Boehm System, Construction of the Flute, Theobald Boehm, Transverse Flute.


Theobald Boehm who had a long life full of creativity, tried to maintain his creativity and performing activities concurrently for almost sixty years in order to bring perfection to the construction of the flute. Two generation flutes that the German master invented in 1832 and 1847 had been one of the most important achievements in the development of the construction of the instrument until that date and those reforms had brought Boehm the reputation which he deserved. Beside from the reforms he made regarding the construction of the flute, Theobald Boehm also stands outs with the musical pieces that he wrote for this instrument. In this study, formation process of the Boehm system flute which is still being used and the evolution of the flute during this process has been analyzed and it has been aimed to relay the importance of Theobald Boehm, who has made a great contribution for the flute to become a solo instrument instead of orchestral instrument and obtain status, in the history of the flute to today’s flautists.

Author Biography

  • Burcin Barut dikicigiller, Anadolu University, School of Music and Drama, Department of Music.

    Anadolu University, School of Music and Drama,Department of Music, Eskişehir, Turkey


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