The Existence and Role of the Barisan Madura Corps, 1831 – 1931


  • Iswahyudi . Yogyakarta State University



Barisan Corps, Madura, Dutch East Indies, military reinforcements, indigenous population, voluntary recruitment, regional pacification


The Barisan Madura Corps is one of the indigenous militas that were originally founded in various areas of the Residency in Java and also in Madoera in 1831. For further mention of Barisan Madura is the Barisan Corps. Although the formation of this corps was not special but at that time the corps was widely used as a native aid force which was included as one of the strength forces of the Dutch East Indies colonial government. The main tasks that must be carried out by the corps were to maintain calm in the community and to assist the government army at the time of the war. In practice this obligation can be carried out well by the Barisan corps on many shipments out of the Madura region in order to assist government forces in carrying out military operations in the framework of pacification in various regions in the Dutch East Indies. In its development there was a decision to turn the Barisan corps into a professional military unit so that it was deemed necessary to reorganize. This reorganization includes many things, especially in the form of institutional reform. Government regulations issued in 1885 at the same time as the implementation of the government system directly in Madura by the Dutch colonial government also simultaneously regulates the existence of the Barisan Madura corps. This corps was subsequently under the direct supervision of the government and had more opportunities to be incorporated into the Dutch East Indies army structure as a sort of reserve army compared to the recruitment of indigenous militia members under coercion.

Author Biography

  • Iswahyudi ., Yogyakarta State University
    Senior Lecturer


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