A content analysis of Amharic Songs on Nile River


  • berhanu engidaw getahun bahir dar university




Nile, song, discourse, Ethiopia, theme


This study analysed the content of Amharic songs on Nile river in Ethiopia. Lyrics of eight recent and eight previous songs were qualitatively analyzed using initial coding from which final categories are established through constant comparative method. Major themes the analysis revealed consist of call for unity and collaboration among Ethiopians, a representation  of Nile as untapped treasure and a natural beauty, regret about missed opportunities of not utilizing the Nile for national development, condemning Nile in personified terms, and optimism in recent progresses in utilizing Nile. A shift is noted in the themes of the songs with previous songs emphasizing the beauty and fertility of Nile and recent songs portraying Nile as an untapped wealth. The extent to which the songs discuss Nile vary. Previous songs raise Nile sparingly while recent songs have entire albums devoted to Nile signalling that attention to Nile is increasing. Findings of the study have implication for public relations, for community mobilization and for the politics of Nile waters.

Author Biography

  • berhanu engidaw getahun, bahir dar university


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