Presenting the Qur'anic Text in a Developed Mapping Technique and Reflecting the Related Theories of Linguistics


  • Mohammad Allibaih 1. Faculty of Languages, Sudan University of Science and Technology 2. Medical Terminology Unit, Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University



Qur'an, Concept Maps, Mind Maps, Linguistics


Means of presenting the Qur'anic text enjoy everlasting efforts to develop and meet the greatness and high status the holy Qur'an maintains. Consequently, this study aims at shedding light on the virtual relationship between the general concept of the Qur'anic mapping techniques and the resulting theories of linguistics. The concept of the Qur'anic mapping is to facilitate meaning conveyance, embody concepts, and re-present the Qur'anic discourse in an understandable and comprehensible manner. Therefore, thinking of how the Qur'anic reader will absorb the new representation of the Qur'anic discourse, was a main issue in the Qur'anic mapping process. The resulting linguistic phenomena were discussed in a detailed manner. Qur'anic maps take a hybrid design of concept maps and mind maps with the original Arabic Qur'anic text and the English translation of its meanings manipulated. The current paper introduces itself as a foundation for a newer domain of research based on a decent association between Qur'anic exegesis and its topical classification, concept mapping, and the various theories of linguistics. There is also an opportunity for other studies to explore more linguistic theories not mentioned in this study.


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