A Comparative Analysis of Chinese and Shona Vowels


  • Herbert Mushangwe Hebei University




Chinese, Shona, Vowel system, comparison, Second language learning



This paper is a comparative analysis between Chinese and Shona vowel system. The research is biased towards helping Chinese language learners whose mother tongue is Shona however it is expected to benefit other researchers interested in comparative researches. The main focus of this research is on the major differences that exist between these two languages, with an aim to predict and combat the possible pronunciation errors that may result from native language transfer. The research findings show that Chinese language’s vowel system is more complex than the Shona vowel system. It is therefore assumed that though Chinese language learners whose mother tongue is Shona language may find it challenging to acquire the Chinese vowel system, however if students are advised in advanced the differences between the Chinese and Shona vowels represented by same letters in the writing systems of these two languages, students are likely to have less pronunciation errors in Chinese since they will not borrow the Shona pronunciation strategies.



Author Biography

  • Herbert Mushangwe, Hebei University
    University of Zimbabwe Confucius Institute Chinese language lecturer, currently doing PHD in Chinese Linguistics at Hebei University.


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Internet Resources

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