Quiet Areas in Open Country in the Czech Republic?


  • Jana Dudová Law, environment,public health




Acoustic smog, noise pollution, noise protection, quality of life.


This paper focuses on an issue that has yet to be resolved satisfactorily and with legal relevance in the Czech Republic. European law determines framework requirements, as well as obligations of Member States to designate quiet areas in nature and in open country. The Directive of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise was indeed incorporated into Czech legislation, but legal instruments are still lacking for fulfilling the obligation under this directive to create and protect quiet areas in nature. Therefore, the purpose behind this paper is to open certain relating problem areas and to search for an answer to the question of why this obligation has yet to be fulfilled.

Author Biography

  • Jana Dudová, Law, environment,public health
    Assistant proffesor at epartment of Environmnt and Land Law


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