The role of Effective Supervision on academic performance of Senior High Schools in Ghana


  • Vera Rosemary Ankoma-Sey College of Distance Education, University of Cape Coast
  • Bashir Maina Department of Educational Foundation and Curriculum, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria



Academic performance, Educational management, Gender, Heads of SHS, Supervision


In all facets of life, supervision has become a cross-cutting edge tool and a pivot around which performance revolves. There are widespread and on-going debates centred on the influence of effective supervision on academic performance in our academic institutions. This study examined the role of supervision on academic performance in Senior High Schools (SHS) in Ghana. The study was based on the collegial model of educational management and the supervision model, Theory Y as proposed by Douglas McGregor. This study employed the descriptive research survey design. Through a questionnaire, data analysed was collected from 963 respondents who were purposively selected from randomised schools in each region comprising of headmasters, their assistants and heads of department of 155 SHSs across Ghana. The WAEC results (2006-2009 and 2011) of the sampled schools were analysed. Reliability coefficient of the questionnaire was Cronbach’s alpha (?) = 0.826. The Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) version 18 software was employed in the analyses of data using, mean, standard deviation, correlation and independent t-test. The study revealed that there was a positive weak significant relationship between supervision roles of heads and academic performance of students. Moreso, there was a positive weak significant relationship between gender of heads and their supervision roles. The study recommended that supervision should be intensified in SHS. Heads of SHS should be re-orientated in the new trends of supervision in schools.

Author Biographies

  • Vera Rosemary Ankoma-Sey, College of Distance Education, University of Cape Coast

    Vera Rosemary Ankoma-Sey has been involved in bringing 30 years of quality basic education and University education to many Ghanaian students who are contributing to the manpower development of the country.

    Vera Rosemary Ankoma-Sey professionally has brought expertise to train distance learners in both teacher education and business for the mutual benefit of all especially students, officials, civil society organizations and the private sector.  She participated in the writing of modules for distance education students and setting of quizzes and end of semester questions for the same group of students.  Vera Rosemary Ankoma-Sey is fluent in English and Fanti. Currently, she is she co-ordibator of Teaching Practice and Project Work unit of the College of Distance Education, University of Cape Coast.

  • Bashir Maina, Department of Educational Foundation and Curriculum, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria

    Department of Educational Foundation and Curriculum, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria


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