Factors that Influence Banana Farmers Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change in Meru County Kenya


  • David Karienye Department of Geography, Garissa University, P.O. Box 1801-70100, Garissa, Kenya
  • Hellen Kamiri School of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Karatina University, P.O. Box 1957-10101, Karatina, Kenya.
  • Gilbert Nduru School of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, Karatina University, P.O. Box 1957-10101, Karatina, Kenya




Adaptation strategies, Banana, climate change, socioe-conomics,


Food production among rural farmers globally has been threatened by climate change impacts leading to food scarcity. Small holder farmers face challenges in the choice of appropriate adaptive mechanisms when responding to the impacts associated with climate change. Several case studies have focused on adaptive strategies related to crop production with limited attention on the socioeconomic factors influencing adaptation strategies towards climate change with reference to specific crops. Thus, a study was carried out in Meru County, Kenya to evaluate the socio-economic factors that influence banana farmer’s adaptation strategies to climate change. The study site was in Imenti south sub-county which was purposively selected due to its long-term history of banana farming. Field survey techniques were used in the data collection where 251 banana farmers were sampled and data collected using open ended questionnaires and focus group discussions. Logit regression model was used to determine the socioeconomic factors influencing farmers’ choice of adaptation strategy to climate change. The study realized that irrigation and shifting planting dates were the most preferred adaptation strategies among small holder’s banana farmers at 84.9% and 4.8% respectively. Land acreage under banana production, age of the household head, access to extension services, access to financial facilities, agro ecological zone setting and perception to climate change were significant in explaining the farmers’ adaption of irrigation as a strategy. Further, provision of climate information to farmers will enhance promotion of crop diversification, adoption of drought tolerant banana varieties and shifting of planting dates thus enhancing resilience of farming systems in the short-term.


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