Visitor Preference Factors toward Shopping Centres’ Thematic Corridor Study of Gandaria City, Indonesian Shopping Centre


  • Astrid Kusumowidagdo Ciputra University
  • Agus Sachari



Thematic corridor, shopping centre, visitor perception.


The existence of thematic corridor at shopping centre is one of the competitive uniqueness of shopping centres in Asian, especially shopping centres in Indonesia. This current research focuses on exploring visitors’ perception towards the setting of thematic corridor at shopping centre. Excitement, happiness and arousal will encourage visitors’ satisfaction to explore the shopping centre environment. This study is conducted under mixed method, started from focus group and continued with quantitative factorial analysis. The samples are 175 visitors of Gandaria City in Jakarta. Visitors’ perception towards the ideal factors that shape the comfort for thematic corridor at shopping centre are the corridor legibility, social image and interaction, and thematic corridor decoration.


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