Ethics of Reducing Inequality: Some Points


  • Kazi A. S. M. Nurul Huda University of Dhaka



Inequality reduction, equality, difference principle, philosophy of economics, development ethics.


Favoring people without valid reason leads to inequality which tends to arouse a judgment of injustice that makes it one of the foremost moral issues. One of the main problems that this paper examines is the object regarding which the question of inequality reduction comes to the fore to which different philosophers offer numerous replies.  Some of these replies are related to treating goods and services equally, just income and resources, fair allocation of primary goods, equalization of utility, equality of opportunity, equality of capabilities, etc. Another problem of reducing inequality that is examined by this paper is the subject of equality. Inequalities are inflicted on the people based on their memberships to different genders, religions, races, classes, or regions. An important dimension of the problem of the subjects of equality is the moral bearing of the present people to ensure the equal living conditions of the people to come. In order to solve these problems apropos of the inequality reduction, it is suggested that economic endeavors should not be ignorant of ethics, that is, a connection between ethics and economics should be established. This connection would help understand the necessity of equality among citizens.

Author Biography

  • Kazi A. S. M. Nurul Huda, University of Dhaka

    Assistant Professor

    Department of Philosophy

    University of Dhaka


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