Determinants of Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Work Satisfaction and Performance of the Eselon IV Officials of Regional General Hospitals in East Kalimantan Province


  • Lamri Lamri Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health of East Kalimantan & Universitas Mulawarman
  • Djoko Setyadi Setyadi Universitas Mulawarman
  • Sukisno S Riadi Riadi Universitas Mulawarman
  • Sugeng Hariyadi Samarinda State Polytechnic
  • Sukri Palutturi Palutturi Universitas Hasanuddin



transformational leadership, procedural justice, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, satisfaction, performance


This study was conducted to analyze transformational leadership, procedural fairness, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior and satisfaction, towards performance. The population of the study was echelon IVofficials (subdivision heads and section heads) with the total of 141 respondents. Structural Equestion Modeling (Partial Least Square) data analysis technique was utilized. The results showed that transformational leadership had a significant positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior; transformational leadership had a significant positive effect on satisfaction; transformational leadership had no significant positive effect on performance; procedural justice had a significant positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior; procedural justice had no significant positive effect on satisfaction; justice procedural positive effect wasnot significant on performance; organizational commitment had a significant positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior; organizational commitment had a significant positive effect on satisfaction; organizational commitment had no significant positive effect on performance; organizational citizenship behavior hada significant positive effect on satisfaction; organizational citizenship behavior had a positive and significant effect on the performance and job satisfaction

Author Biographies

  • Lamri Lamri, Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health of East Kalimantan & Universitas Mulawarman
    Faculty of Economics and Business
  • Djoko Setyadi Setyadi, Universitas Mulawarman
    Faculty of Economics and Business
  • Sukisno S Riadi Riadi, Universitas Mulawarman
    Faculty of Economics and Business
  • Sukri Palutturi Palutturi, Universitas Hasanuddin
    Faculty of Public Health


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