Qur'anic Maps and the Theory of Multiple Intelligences: A Better Understanding of The Holy Qur'an


  • Mohammad Allibaih 1. Faculty of Languages, Sudan University of Science and Technology 2. Medical Terminology Unit, Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University




Qur'an, Mind maps, Concept maps, Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Qur'anic maps.


The current study aims at presenting an in-depth coverage of the multiple human intelligences theorized by Howard Gardner in (Gardner, 1993a, Gardner, 1993b, Gardner, 1995, Gardner and Miller, 1999, Gardner, 2003) and their relationship to Qur'anic mapping method (concept and mind maps presenting a bilingual Qur'anic text) worked out in this proposed study. Furthermore, the study highlights numerous conceptual and congruence features between the way the Qur'anic maps present information and the way the nine types of learners absorb knowledge. Technically, the study utilized XMind 7 (v3.6.0.R-201511090408) software for creating the Qur'anic maps. The Arabic and English Qur'anic texts were extracted from http://quran.ksu.edu.sa. Regarding the topical classification and conceptual levels, the study depended on the exegetic opinions of Ibn Kathir in the book Al-Misbah Al-Munir fi Tahdhib Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Al-Mubarakpuri, 2013). Results showed that the Qur'anic maps proposed in this study are in total congruence with the nine frames of mind theorized by Howard Gardner. This study, as a new domain of research, recommends that similar studies shall present more rigorous investigations in the relationship between the current model of Qur'anic maps and learners’ learning styles.

Author Biography

  • Mohammad Allibaih, 1. Faculty of Languages, Sudan University of Science and Technology 2. Medical Terminology Unit, Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University
    King Abdulaziz University, Faculty of Medicine, Medical Terminology Unit


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