Comparison of the Implementation of Ethical Fashion Concepts in Fashion Brands owned by the Native Balinese and by Foreign Citizens in Bali




Ethical fashion, Bali, fashion brand, natural dye, natural fibre


Bali is a region in Indonesia that is very well known to foreign countries due to its rapidly developing tourism and becoming the main economic driving sector. This tourism sector also greatly affects other developing sectors, including fashion. In the fashion field, the number of tourists and migrants from abroad builds the Balinese market that is different from other regions in Indonesia. Fashion in Bali is very cosmopolitan, has a high and complex purchasing power, namely in the case of many parties that play a role there

While on the other hand, the values of very strong Balinese traditions and cultures also keep taking a big role, including in the field of fashion. These two things are the potential of the fashion market and also the inspiration of Balinese traditional culture, intersect a lot and appear in the development of fashion through the Ethical Fashion concept that is applied by many fashion brands in Bali. But in practice the Ethical Fashion concept is implemented differently by fashion brands owned by the Foreign Citizens with those owned by the Balinese themselves.

This research discusses the comparison between the methods carried out by the two parties by collecting primary data through field observations and in-depth interviews. Furthermore, the data processing is analized and recommended, the expected strategies can be the improvement for the development of fashion brands with the ethical fashion concepts in Bali.

Author Biographies

  • Arini Arumsari, Institut Teknologi Bandung
    Doctoral Program of Visual Art and Design
  • Agus Sachari, Institut Teknologi Bandung
    Department of Industrial Design
  • Andryanto Rikrik Kusmara, Institut Teknologi Bandung
    Department of Visual Art


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