The Role of Horror Illustration to the Merchandise of Death Metal Music Group in Bali


  • I Wayan Suwandi Indonesian Institute of the Arts Denpasar, Bali - Indonesia



meaning, horror illustrations, design, death metal band merchandise


This article was compiled based on the results of the study that aims to know and understand the meaning of horror illustrations in the design of the death metal band merchandise in Bali. This research is conducted because of differences between assumption and reality occurred in society. Every entertainment product should have a different identity to reach the market. A different phenomenon occurs in the group of death metal bands in Bali, which recently tend to use illustrations of horror in their band designs. The questions are: (1) why do the death metal band groups use horror illustrations on the band's design?(2) What is the form of a horror illustration in the death metal band design? (3) What does the horror illustration mean for the band? This study uses a qualitative method. The data sources of this research are death metal band groups, related parties, and relevant previous studies. All data that have been collected through observation, interview and library research process are analyzed using aesthetic theories, semiotic theory and constructivism theory. The results show that: horror illustrations in death metal band groups in Bali are presented in the form of scary, horrible and frightening paintings. It can be seen from the media, lines and colors used. Up to now, the death metal band groups in Bali have tended to use illustrations of horror in their band designs because it is considered to present the meaning of identity, art, social, economic, and culture.


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