Preserving Customary Title Granting Ritual in Bolaang Mongondow Raya in Perspective of 1945 Indonesian Constitution


  • Johan Jasin Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
  • Gusniarjo Mokodompit



Preservation, customary title award.


The Dutch colonialism period has brought changes in the Indonesian law system, in which, as the colonized, Indonesia was obliged to comply and apply the colonizer’s law system. This ruled out customary law systems which have been regarded as locally-specified law in regions in Indonesia for a long time. Moreover, the obligation of using Dutch’s law system renders customary law’s influence weakened, as the customary law was no longer regarded as the standard norms of behavior in Indonesian society. Factually, the phenomenon is reflected in customary title granting ritual. Once regarded as the utmost important ceremony towards a deceased region leader as a form of highest respect in remembrance of his/her services, the ritual is no longer considered as a sacred ceremony, thus receiving little to no attention from the regional government. Therefore, this study contends that establishment of customary institutions, as well as implementation of regional regulation by the region’s executive and legislative, is fundamental to internalize and preserve cultural values embedded in traditional ceremonies such as customary title granting ritual; the establishment also serves as the implementation of Article 18B Paragraph (2) of the 1945 National Constitution of Republic of Indonesia.

Author Biography

  • Johan Jasin, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
    Deparmnet of Law


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