Social Justice for the Economic Rights on Traditional Knowledge in Medicinal Plants of Customary Law Communities


  • Emilda Kuspraningrum Faculty of Law, University of Mulawarman
  • Thohir Luth Faculty of Law, University of Brawijaya
  • Yuliati - Faculty of Law, University of Brawijaya
  • Rachmad Safa’at Faculty of Law, University of Brawijaya



social justice, customary law community, economic right


Traditional knowledge about medicinal plants and traditional medical treatment has been mastered by Indonesians long before the reign of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. The technology has been widely preserved by customary law communities. This knowledge has been adopted by medicine industry, both domestic and foreign, so factories can produce traditional medicines in a modern way. However, indigenous people, the inheritor of the knowledge, are not economically improved from the modernization of the traditional medicine. This becomes a problem since Indonesia was founded on the basis of social justice for all of its citizens, in addition to the goal of realizing the state’s ideals in compliance with the International Labor Organization Regulation No. 169 concerning Indigenous Peoples and Tribes in Independent Countries of 1989 and the preamble of the Indonesian Constitution. One of the ideals of this law is fair and equitable prosperity for all Indonesians, as explained by Notonegoro’s theory of social justice based on Pancasila that "social justice is about rights and obligations in life relationship and fairness relationship with other humans and with God, the causa prima, or religious justice". Therefore, the state seeks to govern through regulations in all fields, including intellectual property through patent law. Nevertheless, Indonesian patent laws have not answered the questions about the rights on traditional knowledge. Using normative research supported by primary and secondary legal material, future regulations that protect the technology of traditional medicines and medical treatment should be made more comprehensive by giving more attention to the economic rights of indigenous peoples, by referring to the social justice principles of the fifth precept of Pancasila.


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