The Role of Culture in Conflict Management- A Case of Tetu Sub-County, Kenya


  • Ann Njeri Joseph Karatina University



Alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, Conflict management, Dispute, Gender based violence, Culture


Since independence the Kenya government has effectively promoted western administrative and judicial systems in all parts of the country, including Tetu Sub-County of Nyeri County to enforce law and order as well as to dispense justice. However, various forms of conflicts have become more pronounced in the area in the last twenty years. These conflicts include gender-based violence, land related conflicts, family conflicts and value-based conflicts, among others. This study examined ADRMs (Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms) among the Agikuyu of Tetu Sub-County. The objective of the study was to assess how ADRMs could be incorporated into modern legal system to manage disputes. The study employed the historical research design. It used primary and secondary data. Primary data was obtained from archival sources and from oral interviews with informants. The target population comprised one hundred and twenty two Agikuyu from Tetu Sub County.  The informants comprised both elderly persons and the youth. The youth informants were identified through simple random sampling while the elders were identified through purposive and snowball sampling procedures. Secondary data was obtained from published works including journals and dissertations. The study affirmed that there is need for incorporating ADRMs in a better way than it is in the modern legal system today. The findings of the study have enriched Kenya’s cultural history.


Author Biography

  • Ann Njeri Joseph, Karatina University
    Humanities and Languages


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