Mechanism of creation of the modern subject through the otherness, in three short stories of Roberto Arlt


  • Suhee Kang Seoul National University



Modernity, Subject, Otherness, Homo sacer


Modern society needs a new type of modern subject that internalizes the social rule and obeys, personally, modern discipline. This subject production is done by drawing a dividing line inside and outside to various forms and by visualizing 'the other' which is considered abnormal and excluded. In the works of Roberto Arlt, describes the otherness to create subject and the devices of detention and oppression. His short stories Ester Primavera and Las fieras show the mechanism that the subject exists only in contrast to the other juxtaposing the contrast of two places.  In addition, the longing for the space of the subject means the intense desire of the other to escape from the impatent state, and this contributes that the subject’s space is considered more complete and ideal. In El jorobadito, the otherness is represented through the deformed appearance and the process appears that the subject degrades the other's position because of the invasion of social regulation. In addition, in the other's space the legal violent power is more explicitly revealed as "oppressors" for "oppressed". This anomic space is operated as a huge and powerful device of detention and oppression for others to create "docile bodies".

Author Biography

  • Suhee Kang, Seoul National University

    Department of Hispanic Language & Literature

    Seoul National University


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