Takbir Mursal Procession at Brambang Village : A Review of Intra and Extra Aesthetic of Lantern Arts


  • Nur Rokhmat Semarang State University




Procession, Mursal Takbir, Intraaesthetic Values, Extraaesthetic Values, Lanterns


People at Brambang village, Karangawen subdistrict, Demak regency in Central Java province, have a procession tradition called takbiran.  It is a procession which has been conducted for years at the end of Ramadan, the eve of Eid. This Takbiran procession in which the villagers of Brambang carrying lanterns called "Takbeer Mursal". In the procession, it is echoed with the name of Allah "Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, laa-ilaha-illallaahu wallaahu Akbar.-walillaahil-hamd Allahu Akbar". Artwork lanterns carried in this procession is interesting to study especially its intra and extra aesthetic value. The study employed a qualitative approach. The shapes and themes of the lanterns are very diverse, and they express something creative, aesthetic, and symbolic. Diversity of forms and themes of the lantern in takbir mursal classified as follows; theme associated with the idea of responding to the technology; the shape of the building, and modern equipment of transportation. They are forms relating to the animals; birds, land animals, reptiles, insects, and animals living in the water. Some mythological animal forms are namely Burok (winged horse), dragons, winged lizards, Nyi Blorong. While themes related to imaginary creatures or monsters are namely Satan, Jin, Gandarwa, and giants. In addition, there are also the art of doll-shaped lanterns displayed such as Doraemon, mascot ball, and teletabis. Lantern’s shape, is generally structurally integrated elements such as a harmonious, balanced and proportionate and rhythmic having aesthetic value. Symbolic meaning contained in the works of art lanterns generally convey a message of religious values, education, and social criticism.

Author Biography

  • Nur Rokhmat, Semarang State University
    Department of Fine Arts, Faculty of Languages and Arts. Semarang State University (Unnes)


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