The inadequacy of the Risk Mitigation model for the restoration of livelihoods of displaced people. Case Study: The Cambodian Railway Rehabilitation Project.


  • Sharon Edington



Risk Mitigation Model, Development-induced Displacement.


Development-induced displacement (DID) affects millions of people per year, a human toll that is often considered the ‘price of development’ to be ‘addressed’ through Cernea’s Risk Mitigation Model. The model, by its very name, seeks to mitigate the extent of DID and the negative effects thereof. However, this paper will demonstrate that the model is doomed to be inadequate in adequately restoring the livelihoods of displacees, as it leaves unquestioned the structural power imbalances that underpin the selection of development sites and the proposed displacees, who are themselves often already vulnerable and marginalised. Similarly the model imagines tokenistic participation as the only constructive engagement available to displacees, rather than involving the proposed displacees in the process of determining the shape and nature of ‘development’ in their area.


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