Education Values in Wayang Wong Innovative Arts ‘Cupu Manik Astagina’




Educational Values, Wayang Wong Innovative, Cupu Manik Astagina, the Millenial Generation


This article was compiled based on the results of research aimed at being able to understand the values of education in the innovative art performance of Wayang Wong Cupu Manik Astagina. This research was conducted because there was an imbalance in the field. Generally, in Bali, the Wayang Wong performance is only played by a group of parents. Unlike the case with the Cupu Manik Astagina Innovative Wayang Wong performance. Although the innovative Wayang Wong performance art is also presented in the form of drama children and young people in Bali still enjoy this show. Questions: (1) Why do children and young people in Bali enjoy the Wayang Wong Innovative Cupu Manik Astagina performance?; (2) what educational values are found in this performing art?; (3) how do children and adolescents in Bali interpret this innovative Wayang Wong performance?

This paper is the result of qualitative research with a cultural studies approach. Data collection was carried out through document studies, observations of Wayang Wong performances, and in-depth interviews with 10 informants from the actors of puppet art, observers and the community of puppet art lovers in Bali. The descriptive-interpretive analysis is carried out by applying the theory of semiotics and Bourdeau's theory of action.

The results showed that : (1) children and adolescents in Bali like the Cupu Manik Astagina Innovative Wayang Wong performance because the form of presentation seems to be in line with the character of children and young people today who are cheerful, dynamic, sporty, and enjoy things related to technology. This can be seen from the choreography, the play, and how the presentation of the performing arts; (2). The Innovative Wayang Wong Performing Arts Cupu Manik Astagina contains the values of character education, ethics, manners, which are displayed in today's performance art according to their character and taste; (3). Children and adolescents in Bali interpret the Wayang Wong Innovative performance art as creativity and artistic expression, the identity of today's teenage art, as a vehicle for viewing as well as guidance (socialization) of educational values, as a counter-culture to the hegemony of popular culture presented through cybermedia ( internet) today, and is interpreted as a new tourist attraction in Bali. The finding (Novelty) of this research is the innovative Wayang Wong performance art is social engineering that collaborates with various parties, including dancers (performers), musicians and stage organizers and other supporting crew.

Author Biography

  • Ni Made Ruastiti, ISI Denpasar

    Bachelor of Art, Indonesian Institute of Art (1990)

    Master of Cultural Studies, Udayana University (2001)

    Doctoral of Cultural Studies, Udayana University (2008)

    Department Rank : Dance Department (National : 302 /Sinta Score : 411)

    Institute Rank : Indonesian Institute of Art (National :2 /Sinta Score: 9) 



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