Disaster Relief-Based on Local Wisdom (A Case Study of Flood Region Watersheds/Das Tuntang in Gubug Region of Grobogan District)


  • Jenewa Alexandra
  • Prof. Dr. Dra. Endang Larasati, M.S.
  • Drs. Zainal Hidayat, M.S.
  • Dra. Margaretha Suryaningsih, M.S.




Local Wisdom, Structural Approach, Non-Structural Approach, Flood and Policy.


This research based- by the flood, which nearly always occurs annually in Central Java. One of them occurred in Gubug region of Grobogan district. The flooding occurred due to the high discharge of the water that flows into Tuntang River resulted in many point. Based on data reported by the Government of Gubug region in October 2016 has occurred which resulted in the flooding of 3,530 houses inundated, three homes washed away and hundreds of acres of rice fields submerged in water up to 1 m. Similarly, in December 2017 flooding also occurred which resulted in the House and 140 acres of 2,124 rice fields is under water. The issues examined in this study is what impact experienced by the community due to the occurrence of flooding and flood mitigation efforts how based on local wisdom. Study of theoretical research in addition based on Act No. 24 in 2007 about disaster relief that mandated the need for respect for the local culture, also based on the philosophy those human beings in addition not only the object of disaster but also as subjects in disaster relief. Here local wisdom plays a role in disaster relief efforts, including floods. The research conducted using qualitative research methods perspective of Phenomenology. The location of the research conducted in three villages namely Gubug, Kuwaron and Ngroto villages, of Gubug region. The collection of data or information executed with in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. The analyses of the data or information are using technical analysis to cultural themes. The results showed that the flood resulted in a disruption of all aspects of community life that includes a social life, economics, politics or the Government’s work. Flood disaster relief efforts in the forms of local wisdom like cummunally, the process of adaptation, celebrate the tradition, the role of community leaders proved being able to play a role in tackling as well as minimalyze the disaster risk. Based on the findings of the research efforts of repair, either by a structural approaches (physical improvements) and non-structural approach (behavioural or institutional) needs done. Similarly, local wisdom must continue developed and become one of the basic considerations of each policy in disaster relief.


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