Legal Position of Fatwa of National Sharia Supervisory Board (Dewan Syariah Nasional) Of Indonesian Clerics Council (Majelis Ulama Indonesia) As Material Law of Sharia Economy


  • Johan Jasin Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
  • Mohdar Yanlua Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ambon



Fatwa, National Sharia Supervisory Board of MUI, Material law, Sharia economics


Fatwa (legal opinion issued by Islamic cleric) is a part of Islamic law doctrine as a solution to problems in Islamic teachings that are not discussed in sources of Islamic law. The National Sharia Supervisory Board (DewanSyariahNasional) of Indonesian Clerics Council (MajelisUlama Indonesia) issues several fatwa(s) to address matters in Sharia economics and banking often raised by the Bank Indonesia (the central bank of the Republic of Indonesia) and by other Sharia economic actors. This raises the question, whether or not the fatwa(s) issued by the National Sharia Supervisory Board of MUI are positioned as material law of Sharia economics by court judges in examining and releasing verdict of Sharia economics/banking dispute. A normative study with legal and conceptual approach was carried out to investigate the problem.

The result shows that the fatwa(s) issued by the National Sharia Supervisory Board of MUI are positioned as basic references of Sharia economic and banking management by the products of Sharia economics and/or banking; as guidelines in conducting Sharia bank management by the Bank Indonesia; and as guidelines by court judges in settling Sharia economic dispute.

Author Biography

  • Johan Jasin, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
    Deparmnet of Law


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Law No. 10 on 2004 Concerning Law/Regulation.

Law No. 12 on 2011 Concerning Formulation of Law/Regulation.

Law No. 48 on 2009 Concerning Judge Authority.







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