Evaluation of Factors Affecting Implementation of Green Public Procurement in Laikipia County Government, Kenya.


  • Elijah Mwangi Ngunjiri karatina university




Green Products, Convectional Products, Green Public Procurement, Environmental Objectives, Resources Sustainability


Green Public Procurement has been used as a tool to achieve environmental objectives by some countries especially in Europe. Public procurement in Kenya is estimated to account for between 70 and 80 percent of the national budget.  This gives the government purchasing power to influence manufacturing and supply of green products for sustainable development. County governments in Kenya are allocated between 15 and 45 percent of the total country’s income.  Despite all these finances Counties possess, many of them do not fully use their purchasing power to achieve environmental objectives. Laikipia County for example, did very well on procurement activities to be ranked the best performing entity in public procurement in Kenya in 2014, yet it did not have a similar identity on Green Public Procurement. It is this research gap that this study sought to fill. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the factors affecting implementation of Green Public Procurement in Laikipia County government. The study was guided by knowledge gap, buyers’ perception, management policies and technical capacity of suppliers as independent variables and implementation of Green Public Procurement as the dependant variable.  The study targeted County governments in Kenya. The study population was 45 employees from Laikipia County government drawn from procurement and finance department. Primary data was collected by use of a self administered semi structured questionnaire.  Statistical model of multiple regression were used in analysis of data. The study established the value of knowledge gap, ?1=0.561, buyer’s perception on GPP,?2=0.143, management policy,?3= 0.095, and technical capacity of suppliers to supply GP,?4=0.142 had all have a positive effect on GPP implementation. The study recommends County governments to organize for compulsory training of its staff on GPP. They should conduct lifecycle costing of all products procured by the county governments so as to create the right perception on these product, create awareness of importance of introducing a GPP policy and modalities of implementing it and County governments to make sure all suppliers dealing with them have requisite environmental certification from the National Environmental Management Authority and insist on only eco-labeled products.



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