The Use of Language Variation in Narrating the Story of Lahilote by Students with Physical Disability at an Exceptional School in Gorontalo City


  • Ellyana Hinta Department of Indonesian Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters and Culture, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo



The use, language variation, folklore, Lahilote, ES-Gorontalo City


Language is the most important communication tool that has various functions to be used in people’s interaction. It is essentially utilized in every aspect of life in which there will be no good movement without a language. The same language used differently by some people is known as language variation that also takes place at an exceptional school (henceforth called as ES) in Gorontalo City, particularly the students with a physical disability. For that reason, this study aims to describe the use of language variation by the students with a physical disability at ES in Gorontalo City. Sociolinguistics theory about the use of language variation becomes the guideline of this study, and it refers to the speaker’s language variation viewed by (1) lexical choice; (2) sentence; (3) intonation and (4) plot suitability.  The result finally shows that the use of language variation by the students with a physical disability is based on the speaker’s lexical choice, sentence arrangement, intonation, and plot suitability.


Author Biography

  • Ellyana Hinta, Department of Indonesian Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters and Culture, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
    Senior Lecturer


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