The origins of Muslim nationalism in British India


  • Enrique Baltar University of Quintana Roo, Mexico.



Hindu, India, Muslim, Nationalism, XIX century.


British rule of India stripped Muslim elites of their traditional status of ruling class and reduced them to the status of a religious minority doubly pressured by the new conditions of colonial society and competition of the majority Hindu community. These pressures strengthened in the collective imagination the perception of a minority at a disadvantage and it helped the Muslim elites to become gradually aware of their right to constitute in nationhood and the need to organize politically to defend their interests. This article aims to analyze how Islamic nationalism was taking shape during the second half of the nineteenth century and an early twentieth century from two fundamental assumptions: the backwardness of the Muslim community and the fear of Hindu hegemony.

Author Biography

  • Enrique Baltar, University of Quintana Roo, Mexico.

    Deparment of Politics and International Studies.



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