Vladimir Lenin on Oblomov


  • javed akhtar universBalochistan Quetta
  • javed akhtar University of Balochistan Quetta Pakistan
  • javed akhtar M. Phil Scholar University of Balochistan Quetta




Oblomov, Oblomovism, Inertia, Procrastination, Indecision, Revolution 1. Introduction


This research paper tends to highlight Vladimir Lenin’s views and attitude towards work and indolence. Therefore, he admires work, action and revolution, which are characteristics of the proletarians, and condemns lethargy, inertia, indolence, indecision and procrastination, which are peculiar to the surf-owning and land-owning feudal nobility.  Vladimir Lenin condemns Ivan Goncharov’s most famous character Oblomov frequently in his speeches and writings, which represents the surf-owning and land-owning feudal nobility of the nineteenth-century Tsarist Russian social formation. In fact, Oblomov like other literary types have definite historical roots, which are closely related to the way of life of a particular class. In this manner, his class nature or Oblomovism typifies the sloth of the serf-owning and land-owning nobility. These traits of Oblomov have not become out-dated but the class they typify has become something of the past. Vladimir Lenin pays full attention to the lasting and broad-scale implications of Oblomov’s character, which crosses the limits of his social milieu and age, picking up the penetrating insight into the class nature of Oblomov’s character. Vladimir Lenin highlights the continuing relevance of Oblomov’s character in his own times, criticising Oblomov and Oblomovism and identifies his political rivals and enemies around him with Oblomov. 

Author Biographies

  • javed akhtar, universBalochistan Quetta
    M. Phil. scholar university of Balochistan Quetta
  • javed akhtar, University of Balochistan Quetta Pakistan

    M.Phil scholar

    English department

  • javed akhtar, M. Phil Scholar University of Balochistan Quetta
    English Department


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