Retention of Highly Skilled Workers in Science and Technology: Distant Regional Employers’ Point of View


  • Catherine Beaudry University of Quebec at Rimouski
  • Mounir Aguir University of Quebec at Rimouski
  • Josée Laflamme University of Quebec at Rimouski
  • Andrée-Anne Deschênes Université Laval



Retention, voluntary turnover, employers’ point of view, strategies, practices


This exploratory research focuses on the retention of highly skilled workers in science and technology (HSWST) in the distant regions of Canada.  Indeed, the human resource shortage forces them to seek more stability in their employment relationships. Our first objective is to analyze the point of view of distant regional employers regarding their retention capacity of HSWST and the reasons behind voluntary turnover in this group of workers. Our second objective is to analyze the retention strategies and practices implemented by these employers. This study uses a qualitative approach, which is to say the case study of businesses hiring HSWST in the Lower St. Lawrence Region of Canada. Results show that employers generally think they have good retention capacity. Employers believe that departures are chiefly due to personal reasons or working conditions. In addition, employers generally have no formal or planned strategies or practices with respect to retention. 


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