Phonecard, Presentation Folder and Centenary Ceremony of the Pipiripau Christmas Crib




Art, Belo Horizonte, Collection, Payphone, Telemar


The construction, of the Pipiripau Christmas Crib (PCC), was carried out during the 20th century in Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The telecommunications company of Brazil, Telemar provided phonecards printed with commemorative dates-themed images, such as the PCC centenary for the general public with a small number available in presentation folders. The objective of this study was to describe the PCC phonecard, presentation folder and centenary ceremony. The phonecard front side and presentation folder inner face are printed with the crib image. The phonecards were available in most states of Brazil operated by Telemar for their use in public payphones. The print runs, of these phonecards, ranged from 3,800 to 254,040 units and they were produced with 40 credits with manufacture by two companies, the American Bank Note and the Cartões de Segurança Ltda. Thirty two different versions and a total print run of 1,204,330 units, of the phonecards, were produced. The centenary ceremony represented the lauching date of the phonecards’ availability for purchases by the general public. This study sucessfully described the PCC phonecard, presentation folder and centenary cerimony.

Author Biography

  • Wagner de Souza Tavares, PT. ITCI Hutani Manunggal (IHM)

    PT. ITCI Hutani Manunggal (IHM)

    Research and Development Department


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