Kubrosiswo Dance Presentation Style from Proselytizing Mission to Entertainment in Magelang, Central Java


  • Dwi Wahyudiarto Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
  • Slamet Mangun Diharja Indonesia Institute of the Arts Surakarta
  • Tubagus Mulyadi Indonesia Institute of the Arts Surakarta
  • Maryono Indonesia Institute of the Arts Surakarta




Kubrosiswo dance, Dance Presentation Style, Change


This article describes the Change in the style of presentation of the Kubrosiswo dance from proselytizing to entertainment missions. Kubrosiswo dance is a folk art that grows and lives in the Magelang Regency area, which performs in groups, with male and female dancers. Kubrosiswo comes from two words namely Kubro, and siswo. The word "kubro" in Javanese means big, and the word "siswo" means student. The people of Magelang interpret the word Kubrosiswo as a disciple of Allah. This is manifested in a dance that always glorifies and upholds the greatness of God. Kubrosiswo's variety of dance movements is more dominant in footwork patterns, such as people walking, gedrug, and marching. Kubrosiswo dance is always accompanied by Islamic songs and struggles. This is because the important mission of the Kubrosiswo dance is to proselytize and spread Islam.  In the course of time, there was a change in the presentation style of the Kubrosiswo dance. Kubrosiswo's new style of presentation is called Brondut (Kubrosiswa Dangdut).  The presence of Brondut is more in demand among the younger generation, this is an interesting phenomenon in the context of changes in the performing arts. The method emphasizes the Ethnographic approach, namely by observation, interviews, and the Line marching method. Changes in the style of presentation of Kubrosiswo dance are the addition of western musical instruments, the addition of songs, lighting, stage layout, and choreography. With the change in presentation style, Kubrosiswo's presentation is more entertaining and entertaining for the public.      


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