Traditional Carpet-Rug Descriptions in the Paintings of Turkish Painters(post-1882 period)


  • Müzeyyen TATLICI Necmettin Erbakan University
  • Fatma Nurcan SERT Necmettin Erbakan University



Traditional Turkish Carpet and Rug Art, Turkish Painting Art, Turkish Painters, Rug, Anatolian Carpet


Background: Carpet-rug art is an important material in Turkish culture and life. Anatolia's thousands of years of cultural heritage, folklore, and life have been processed not only in paintings but also in rugs in order to transfer it to its works, sometimes with realistic, sometimes impressionist or abstract interpretations. The first carpet samples were found in East Turkistan with the Paz?r?k tomb in the Altai in line with the examinations and information made in the various excavations and it is estimated that they were built in the BC 5-3 century. Objective: Seals identity that the carpet-rug lived in Anatolia in Turkey date is the record of relations with extant prior rights. The characteristics that convey past cultural experiences to today still continue. It enables culture to be passed down from generation to generation with its unique fabric shape and patterns.  Method: With this research, it has been tried to be revealed the depictions of traditional rugs in carpets-rugs that were influenced in the works of Turkish painters the period after 1882 by literature scanning. Conclusion: As a result of the study, it is observed that the painters were not independent from the Turkish customs, traditions and culture while they were painting. It is understood that they made paintings with a contemporary interpretation of their social life by including traditional themes. It has been reached that they convey their ideas of adhering to cultural existence not only to their paintings, but also from time to time.              

Author Biographies

  • Müzeyyen TATLICI, Necmettin Erbakan University
    Faculty of Fine Arts


  • Fatma Nurcan SERT, Necmettin Erbakan University
    Faculty of Fine Arts



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