Legal Implications of Regulating Ministerial Regulation in Indonesia's Regulatory System


  • Hendra Kurnia Putra Student at Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
  • Sudarsono Sudarsono Professor at Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University
  • Istislam Istislam Lecturer at Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University
  • Aan Eko Widiarto Lecturer at Faculty of Law, Brawijaya University



Ministerial Regulation, Legislation System, Legal Implications, Formation of Legislation


Ministerial Regulations in the hierarchy of Indonesian laws and regulations are still being debated by legal practitioners, this is related to the legal basis for their formation authority, material content, and harmonization procedures that still require a theoretical testing process. Various laws and regulations that have existed and are still valid and legal theories that are popular in Indonesia also have diverse perspectives on this matter. The purpose of this research is to analyze the legal implications of the regulation of Ministerial Regulations in Article 8 of Law 12 of 2011 concerning Formation of Legislation as amended by Law 15 of 2019 concerning Amendments to Law 12 of 2011 concerning Formation of Legislation on Government Administration. This research is a normative legal research with philosophical, conceptual, legal comparison, and historical approaches. The legal materials used are primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. Primary sources are basic norms and regulations, secondary sources include new and current scientific knowledge which includes books, research reports, journals, magazines, while tertiary sources are black law dictionary, abstracts and other tertiary sources. Analysis of legal material is done with a descriptive perspective. The results showed that the legal implications of the regulation of the Ministerial Regulation in the Law on the Formation of Regulations and Regulations have not been followed by clear regulations that cause legal uncertainty in interpreting the Minister's authority in forming the legislation. Therefore we need a comprehensive legal foundation and legal research in listing Ministerial Regulations as one type of statutory regulation in Indonesia. So, in the future there will be no more legal issues and theoretical debates related to the existence of Ministerial Regulations in the regulatory system in Indonesia.


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