Teachers’ Reflections On Their Own Experience Of Teaching Gifted Students In Homogenous Classes


  • Faisal Yahya Alamiri The University of Jeddah, College of Education, Department of Special Education, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia




The study aimed to explore teachers’ reflections on their own experiences in teaching gifted students in homogenous classes. The study employed the qualitative research design through the focus group interview method which included the focus group discussions to collect the qualitative data from six primary school teachers, who had over three years of experience in teaching gifted students in homogenous classes. The overall findings indicated the value of teachers’ reflection on evaluating their own experiences and identifying the critical challenges they observed. Although teachers supported the additional lessons of enrichment and curriculum compacting as the most valuable experience, the findings showed the extent to which teachers became concerned about the utilization of the same curriculum content, assessment, and learning outcomes which are not different from heterogenous classes. Applying enrichment in all subjects         for gifted students in mixed-ability classes needs to be considered as possible alternative option to homogenous classes. The findings raised critical challenges of homogenous classes regarding the social interaction of gifted students, parental involvement, and counselling services. Implications and recommendations for future research and practice are offered. 

Author Biography

  • Faisal Yahya Alamiri, The University of Jeddah, College of Education, Department of Special Education, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

    Faisal Y. Alamiri is Associate Professor in Giftedness and Creativity. He holds extended degrees in gifted education (Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D.). He is a member of the Executive Committee of The Asia-Pacific Federation on Giftedness. Alamiri has developed the Theory of Participatory Giftedness, which has been presented in many national and international conferences. He also developed the Creative Productivity Model as the practical framework of his theory. His research interest focuses more on the conception and ideology of giftedness, creative productivity, and cultural intelligence. 


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