Identification of Values of Ornaments in Indonesian Batik in Visual Content of Nitiki Game


  • Chandra Tresnadi Bandung Institute of Technology
  • Agus Sachari Bandung Institute of Technology



Indoensian batik ornaments, nitiki game, visual content, traditional values.


Batik is a form of visual art on textile materials produced using traditional drawing techniques originating from Indonesia. For the Javanese, batik is a traditional cloth integral to their cultural identity. Visuals on ornaments of batik cloths illustrate the life sayings and values upon which the life of the community is laid. The study focuses on identifying the values found in Indonesian batik ornaments which are adapted as visual content on the Nitiki game. The findings are then used to reconstruct the values that represent the real batik culture. This study employs the qualitative descriptive method by collecting dozens of batik ornaments on the Nitiki game, exploring the values mentioned in literature, sorting out the dominant values, and reconstructing them. The findings suggest that the values found in Indonesian batik ornaments in the Nitiki game clearly show the patterns of how traditional culture of batik survives and thrives in Indonesian society, as well as show the flexibility of batik against the current development of modern culture, including its integration as culture-based content in interactive media. This study contributes to the dissertation research on aesthetical interaction in cultural content-based game. 

Author Biographies

  • Chandra Tresnadi, Bandung Institute of Technology

    Doctor Candidate (Topic: Aesthetics Interaction of Cultural Content-Based Game) at Visual Art and Design Doctoral Degree Program, Postgraduate School, Bandung Institute of Technology

    Lecturer, Member of Research Group: Sciences of Design and Visual Culture, Faculty of Visual Arts and Design, Bandung Institute of Technology

  • Agus Sachari, Bandung Institute of Technology
    Lecturer, Member of Research Group: Sciences of Design and Visual Culture, & Chairman of Doctoral Degree at Faculty of Visual Arts and Design, Bandung Institute of Technology


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