Killun ya?ni killun: from Tautology to Ideology and Intersemiotic Translation


  • Naser AlBzour AABU



Keywords: compositionality, ideology, semantics, semiotics, sign interaction, social semiotics, tautology



Strictly bearing in mind the intensively interactive nature of sign exploitation, this paper mainly addresses how major semiotic aspects of communication and utterance production may facilitate the receptive process of such daily interaction. Thus, the current paper is a critical semiotic endeavor to explore the intricate components of the viral Lebanese tautological utterance Killun ya?ni Killun “?????? ???? ??????” (all means all) that an old lady madly uttered during 2019-Lebanese protests that swept all over Beirut’s streets against all political and sectarian dominance of lords of war and tycoons in their deplorably war-torn and impoverished country. The predominantly overt and covert messages that such an utterance has acquired evolve and operate far beyond the limitations of what lexical semantic components and indications of tautology may be mainly concerned with in terms of mere compositionality and textual informativity; rather, it can be comprehensively generated and perceived within the paradigms of intersemiotic implications and social semiotics that give rise to multidimensionality of sign interaction and effect (Sebeok, 2003). Therefore, the socio-political schematic repertoire of interlocutors is essentially needed while such a daily phrase and thus similar phrases are systematically encoded and decoded in different written, auditory and/or visual modes to serve a multitude of communicative functions at various levels and within a range of socio-cultural contexts.

 Keywords: compositionality, ideology, semantics, semiotics, sign interaction, social semiotics, tautology



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