The Cross-conflict of Kriya and Crafts in Indonesia




the cross-conflict, kriya, craft, Indonesia


This article aims to find out and understand about the terminology, concept of creation, and quality of kriya and crafts. This research is a qualitative descriptive, namely various attempts to understand the phenomenon of Indonesian kriya based on existing facts. The arranged data is information data generated through literature and document studies based on the trustworthiness of naturalistic studies. The results of the study show that the chaos between kriya and crafts from the past until now has made the demands of tasks and responsibilities of kriyawan, while craftsmen tend to ignore the quality of the work produced. Kriyawan tend to move in areas that lead to aesthetic qualities in the sense of pursuing beautiful kriya, and emphasize skill as an important variable and ignore the function of the work. Meanwhile, with the entry of tourism, craftsmen tend to ignore the quality of materials and skills. The work is made randomly because of the pursuit of money. The phenomenon of decreasing quality of kriya and handicrafts really needs to be studied further, so that the dichotomy of the two becomes clear and the quality of novelty in their respective responsibilities increases. The novelty of kriya is a distinctive, creative demand full of meaning, while novelty in craft is the accuracy of the imitation in order to fulfill the industrial world.

Author Biography

  • I Ketut Sunarya, Yogyakarta State University,
    Kriya Education Study Program, Language and Art Faculty


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