Batswana Fathers’ Expressive Roles and Provision of Nurturance to their Preschool Children


  • Galebeelwe Christinah Mangadi Serowe College of Education
  • Kabita Bose University of Botswana



Early childhood care and education, expressive role, an engaged father, pre-school education, nurturance.


This paper focuses on the expressive roles played by fathers in Botswana in the early childhood years and the challenges they experience in executing care. The study was carried out in the Central Region of Botswana. Ten preschools were randomly selected. Using the maximum variation/heterogeneous purposive sampling technique and simple random sampling technique, 40 fathers and 20 mothers were selected as sample. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences was used to analyze quantitative data; qualitative data was categorised using codes and themes and analyzed descriptively. The findings revealed that fathers lag behind in executing the expressive roles in Botswana; factors, such as residential proximity, parental relationship, and societal culture, influenced fathers’ involvement; fathers involvement in their childrens’ lives influence their development and performance at preschool; recommended that both fathers and mothers need to be sensitized about the importance of executing fathers’ expressive roles, through workshops and training.

Author Biographies

  • Galebeelwe Christinah Mangadi, Serowe College of Education
    Lecturer, Serowe College of Education, Serowe, Botswana
  • Kabita Bose, University of Botswana

    Prof. Kabita Bose, ECE Unit,
    Department of Primary Education,
    University of Botswana.


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