Shifting Technique – From Wagner to Warwick A Micro Case Study: Developing CCM Chest Voice Quality in a Classically Trained Female Singer


  • Teik Poi Tan Voice Department, School of Music Gelsenkirchen, Germany



adult learning, contemporary commercial music, contemporary commercial music singing technique, voice pedagogy, western classical singer


Students wishing to develop their repertoire and skills in contemporary commercial music (CCM) have been found to face challenges in accessing voice teachers who are experienced in contemporary music singing techniques. It is reported that most voice teachers are classically trained and therefore teach classical singing techniques to all students. This paper argues that classical singing techniques may be inappropriate for CCM singing, and that these techniques are also potentially harmful to students’ vocal health. This case study addresses this issue, presenting data gathered through observations and notes taken during lessons with a student who approached the author with the aim of improving her CCM chest-voice quality. This paper outlines the strategies and technical exercises provided, along with the progress of the student across numerous aspects of voice production. The findings contribute to existing research on the topic of CCM singing by providing insights and recommendations to support voice teachers in adopting tailored approaches based on each student’s individual background, needs, and goals.


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