Philosophical Values in Traditional Procession of ‘Motolobalango’ in Gorontalo Society


  • Rahman Taufiqrianto Dako State University of Gorontalo
  • Mr. Suhandano
  • Anna Marrie Wattie



Gorontalo, Knowledge of society, Motolobalango, Philosopical values.


Motolobalango traditional procession is a cultural activity that has been hereditary done by people of Gorontalo. In this traditional procession, there is a dialogue between the two spokesmen, from the family of the groom and the bride's family. The procession occurred in a sacred custom event. For some people, this procession is only as a part of the procession which must be passed if the wedding is done by customary, so the traditional procession of meaning is often overlooked. From the traditional procession of motolobalango, the interactions of both spokesmen show discourse that reflects the realities of the knowledge of society of Gorontalo namely the relationship between language and culture. The purpose of this study is to reveal and to explain the philosophical values in the traditional procession of motolobalango and also one way of maintain Gorontalo language from extinction. Motolobalango traditional procession has philosophical values that aims to glorify human being. This research data is qualitative data which is derived from dialog of the spokesman of the family of a man called ‘Lundu dulungo layi'o (LDL) and spokesman of the woman's family called’ Lundu dulungo wolato (LDW). Data were collected through observation and interviews, which are then analyzed through the ethnography of communication that uses units of interaction called Hymes with ‘nested hierarchy’, i.e the speech situation, speech events and speech acts. The values of philosophy in the traditional procession of motolobalango include worship, sincerity, appreciation, and tolerance values.

Author Biography

  • Rahman Taufiqrianto Dako, State University of Gorontalo
    English Department


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