The Readiness is All: Here Am I. Send Me.


  • Janet Tipton Hindman West Texas A&M University WTAMU Box 60208 Canyon, Texas 79016-0001



Contextual biography, creativity, crushed L-1, the day of infamy, narrative, ontological lens, readiness, spinal injury, systems approach, Titanium rods.


The article uses contextual biography to examine the psychological and existential dimensions of “an internal environment that interacts with the other contexts in which the [author] evolves (Vidal, F., 2003, p. 73). Through a network of enterprises (Gruber, 1980) as a key aspect of that internal environment, this contextual autobiography conceptualizes a slice of the author’s life through the integration of particular literary and life contexts and her position within these background experiences. By using a unique and creative narrative of personal experiences, the author posits the universal or ontological problem of understanding the “all” of readiness for one of Shakespeare’s central characters with the juxtaposition of her own life as undertaken through the literary contexts examined. A catastrophic spinal injury coupled with the loss of her beloved father serve as prime catalysts for extreme life changes for the author creating questions of self-doubt and self-awareness, and whether the readiness for her was indeed, all. The article purposively adds to our understanding of how the internal environment and network of enterprises within an individual’s life experiences juxtaposed with literary contexts may profoundly inspire others to live unique lives of action and readiness.  Findings of the study present the participant’s joyful journey of discovery and personal renewal with the most important lesson learned being that education is the ticket to a life of freedom and personal success.   


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